Technical Documentation

Roompact Technical Implementation

Roompact’s Technical Implementation consists of 4 elements:

Roompact’s software will have a visual representation of your residence halls, and the floors, suites, and rooms within them. The Campus Structure Import is typically a one-time process to upload your campus structure into our system for the visual representation. This step must be completed before the Resident Assignment Import, which is an ongoing daily data feed of resident assignments for your campus. The building, floor, suite, and room information included in the Resident Assignment Import must match the Campus Structure we have already imported into Roompact so that resident assignments can fit into Roompact’s visual representation of your campus. Sometimes, the Campus Structure Import and Resident Assignment Import processes may be completed by a vendor.

The single Single Sign-On process is independent from other steps and may happen at any time.

If resident assignment data and resident photo data are held in different systems, we recommend first focusing on the Campus Structure Import, Resident Assignment Import, and Single Sign-On processes, then moving on to the Resident Photo Upload.

Roompact’s implementation team uses a shared inbox at Please reach out with any questions.

Data Export

Roompact provides the ability to export data from our system via an outbound JSON API. This API is unrelated to our technical implementation and is not required for implementation. Institutions are typically interested in our outbound API only after 1 or 2 years of usage. The documentation for this API is available below: