Campus Structure Import

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The first step in this process is to create a CSV (spreadsheet) of every room in your residence halls. You can typically use a report builder within your Housing Management System to access this data. After creating the report, send it to Roompact staff at, and we will begin the process to import the data into our system.

In our experience, we find that this data may look a little “user-unfriendly” in your Housing Management System, and our staff creates filters to make the data look more user-friendly in our system. For example, your Housing Management System might have a room name listed as something like “BUILD 2 RM 101”. After our staff is done, it would just look like “101” in Roompact. This is a collaborative process between Roompact staff and Residence Life staff.

Though this is typically a one-time process for implementation, our staff is happy to make ongoing configuration changes to your campus structure within Roompact as time goes on, at no additional cost. If buildings are taken offline, added, or reformatted, our staff will work with you to make those changes within Roompact.

CSV spreadsheet format

To begin this process, Roompact staff will need a CSV file with 4 columns:

suite_name (optional, but highly recommended if possible)

The spreadsheet should contain a row for each individual room in your residence halls. The data in this spreadsheet must exactly match the data that will be sent to Roompact on a daily basis for the Resident Assignment Import.

Also, though most Housing Management Systems track “bedspace” or “bed”, Roompact does not need that information. Roompact does not track a resident’s bedspace.